Sustainability And Climate Change

Sustainable Future : Environment – Sustainability – Climate Change

Various countries have committed to adopt to take appropriate progressive actions to balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. We help industries in various ways to achieve their goals including mandatory compliances, as per the law of land and help in preparing the sustainability reports. We encourage industries to focus on waste & emission reduction; conservation/ recycling of water and participate in encashing such initiatives by collecting carbon and water credits.

Optimor is an authorized aggregator for carbon (offsets) & water (rainwater offset units – RoUs) credits, through Universal Carbon Registry and Universal Water Registry (

Our various services include:

  • Support organizations to register their projects on water and carbon registry
  • Help them trade carbon and water credits
  • Provide bespoke solutions for waste reduction and recycling
  • Provide solutions for zero water discharge through process plants.

Reach out to our experts for any ESG related practical and economical solutions.